O blog da Congregação Presbiteriana de Londres tem o endereço web www.londonpresb.org e já contém algumas informações.
Deus abençoe a todos.
sábado, 2 de julho de 2011
segunda-feira, 21 de junho de 2010
domingo, 4 de abril de 2010
Motivos de Oracao
Prayer Requests:
Motivos de Oraçao:
Motivos de Oraçao:
- For Rafe (Chelmsford Presbyterian Church)
- Pelo Rafe da Igreja Presbiteriana de Chelmsford
- For the Missionaries in Uzbekistan
- Pelos missionários perseguidos em Uzbequistão
- For Timothy and Marilene
- Pelo Timothy e Marilene
- For the Missionary Projects sent to Churchies in Brazil
- Pelos Projetos Missionários enviados para as Igrejas do Brasil
- For Valdir, Edvalda, Wilker and Vinicius (Italian Citizenship docs)
- Pela Familia do Valdir, Edvalda Wilker e Vinicius (Documentaçao Italiana)
- For Ruth (strong backache)
- Pela Ruth (forte dores nas costas)
sábado, 20 de março de 2010
God knows your faithfulness
So we must not get tired of doing good, for we will reap at the proper time if we don't give up. Galatians 6:9 (HCSB)
If God sees all the good things that I do, then my response should be,"Don't Be Discouraged!"
Here's another benefit from God knowing everything: He sees everything you do that is good and right. Every time you choose not to sin, every time you resist temptation, every time you take a stand because of God's Truth, he sees your faithfulness to Him.
The Bible says every good deed will be rewarded, no matter how insignificant and regardless of whether anybody else on earth sees it.
Every encouragement you give to other people, every kind word you give to your children, every time you do a thoughtful act for your husband, every time you pick up around the office when it's not your job, every time you set up chairs in church or stuff bulletins, every act of courtesy, every time you refuse to gossip, every time your positive instead of negative -- God sees it all, no matter how small. (Matthew 10:40-42)
Imagine yourself on a giant stage and you're the only person on that stage. You're acting out your life. In the audience there is only one person and it's God. He's out there clapping and saying "I see that good thing you just did. Keep on going! Nobody else saw it, but I saw it."
So what should be my response? If God sees all the good things that I do and He's out there cheering me on, then my response should be, "Don't Be Discouraged!"
You may be thinking, "I've been trying to do the right thing in my marriage. I don't see any results. I've been trying to be the right kind of person and respond correctly with my kids or to my parents. I've been trying to do the right thing at work or at school. And I don't know if it's paying off. I don't see it making any difference in anybody's life."
God says, "I see it and it doesn't matter who else sees it."
Nothing good we ever do is ever done in vain: "So we must not get tired of doing good, for we will reap at the proper time if we don't give up." (Galatians 6:9, HCSB)
Saturday March 20 2010 12:00 AM
Posted by Rick Warren
domingo, 24 de janeiro de 2010
Bible Study on 23/01/2010
Bible Study on 23/01/2010. Our last service was a blessing! We sang together the hymn "Great is Thy Faithfulness", we had the prayer moment in groups of three and Timothy made the Bible Study based on Matthew 25:14-30.
Below are the Prayer requests. Let's Pray:
• For Rafe (Chelmsford Presbyterian Church);
Pelo Rafe ( Igreja Presbiteriana de Chelmsford)
• For Marli - Flavio's relative (Surgical removal of the Uterus)
Pela Marli - Pessoa proxima a familia de Flavio ( Cirurgia de retirada do utero)
• For the APMT board meeting on 26th January
Pela reuniao da diretoria da APMT no dia 26 de Janeiro
• For The Missionary Work in Central Asia
Pelo trabalho missionario na Asia Central.
• For Cristina (Rev. Del Pino Daughter in law – Kidney disease);
Pela Cristina, nora do Rev. Carlos Del Pino, enferma com problema nos rins
sábado, 16 de janeiro de 2010
First Meeting of 2010
Hello everyone, hope you all had a great holiday!
We'd like to remind you that from 16th of January 2010 all our meeting will be held at the St. Bartholomew's church. The meetings are still every Saturday at 7pm. The address is:
The Parish Room
St Bartholomews Church
Craven Park Road
Stamford Hill
N15 6AA
To see a map click here.
In Christ,
London Presbyterian Congregation
We'd like to remind you that from 16th of January 2010 all our meeting will be held at the St. Bartholomew's church. The meetings are still every Saturday at 7pm. The address is:
The Parish Room
St Bartholomews Church
Craven Park Road
Stamford Hill
N15 6AA
To see a map click here.
In Christ,
London Presbyterian Congregation
domingo, 13 de dezembro de 2009
Christmas Service on 19/12/2009

The Parish Room
St Bartholomews Church
Craven Park Road
Stamford Hill
N15 6AA
To see a map for the location, click here.
The meeting will start at 7pm and we are organizing a special service where we'll learn more about the true meaning of Christmas.

We'll also be exchanging chocolates between us, so don't forget to bring a little box of chocolate for a friend!
We hope to see you there!
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