Bible Study on 23/01/2010. Our last service was a blessing! We sang together the hymn "Great is Thy Faithfulness", we had the prayer moment in groups of three and Timothy made the Bible Study based on Matthew 25:14-30.
Below are the Prayer requests. Let's Pray:
• For Rafe (Chelmsford Presbyterian Church);
Pelo Rafe ( Igreja Presbiteriana de Chelmsford)
• For Marli - Flavio's relative (Surgical removal of the Uterus)
Pela Marli - Pessoa proxima a familia de Flavio ( Cirurgia de retirada do utero)
• For the APMT board meeting on 26th January
Pela reuniao da diretoria da APMT no dia 26 de Janeiro
• For The Missionary Work in Central Asia
Pelo trabalho missionario na Asia Central.
• For Cristina (Rev. Del Pino Daughter in law – Kidney disease);
Pela Cristina, nora do Rev. Carlos Del Pino, enferma com problema nos rins